day: 140
merry sunday blogdom!
well after many snafu’s, the inability to read a good portion of my fave blog’s let alone comment on them & the final straw where i can’t even edit my own freakin’ posts – i am bailing on blogger.
it’s been fun & blogger is certainly the best format to learn the in’s & out’s of bloggin (not that i am some expert – far from it) – but it’s time to move on down the road.
plus it’s cool to be a dot com now!
i hope you guys will still follow along – i will be following all of my faves still & commenting as always.
because i am not a blogspot blogger – you won’t be able to follow me in the traditional way.
so i have some coolio options for ya!
1. you can sign up for email notifications of new posts.
2. add me to your blogroll.
3. follow me on google+ .
4. or even facebook?
5. or twitter?
6. or ALL five!
whatever blows your skirt up !
so without further adieu…
here is my new location:
or just click here to go right there!
everything from this blog was imported to the new site -- i am still under construction & researching web hosts – but i can do the basic bloggin’ as is.
i will never delete my blogger blogs but the new blog will be the only blog i will be posting in from now on – even my purple goddess blog is going dark.
so adios blogger --- i will always have a soft spot for ya no matter how much of a spiteful, heartless whore you may be…
peace, l♥ve & margaritas bloggy peeps!