Saturday, February 26, 2011

JuSt BeCaUsE...

Her crib may be the most expensive piece of furniture we currently own...
But it is the least used so I have to document it on film when it is!



Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm a Weiner!

So if you happened to read my post yesterday then you know it wasn't the best of days.

But then two wonderful things happened…

1. I WON A GiVeAwAy!!! A beautiful clutch from Chik-A-Pea given away via Ashley and her amazing blog The Shine Project! I insist that you check it out – she is adorable and such an inspiration!!! Thank you Ashley and Chik-A-Pea!!!!

2. And I was awarded *The Stylish Blog Award* from Melanie on her fantabulous blog --
The McMommy Diaries. Please check her out – she rocks! Thanks Melanie!!!!

There are rules that go along with winning this award. Here they are:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award. 2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers, or less, up to you.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

Seven Things About Me!
1. The night I met Brian I was completely aggressive and hit on him first – that’s how I roll!
2. I could live on coffee, sushi, M&M’s, and popcorn. No really, I could!
3. I LOVE peacock feathers!
4. My blog began as a chronicle of planning my wedding – and just morphed into something completely different. I have yet to plan the wedding and am glad that my blog is about my entire life and not just one aspect of it!
5. I am notorious for losing things – don’t ever let me borrow your Tupperware – just sayin’!
6. Children and dogs love me – always have – it’s a gift really.
7. I have a slight obsession with scarves – the only thing I don’t like about summer is that wearing a scarf looks silly!

Okay, so these are the blogger's I've chosen to also receive this award:
I based my choices on newer bloggers – as a newbie myself I know how we all kinda learn as we go along and it takes A LOT to put ourselves out there like this. OR blogs I am new to that I am TOTALLY diggin’!
So here are some of my favorites!
The Recipe Victim
The Dancing Paralegal
our journey
Adventures in Mommy Land
Diet Chic on a Mission
A Mother’s Touch
Mom’s a Witch
The Doe or the Deer

Take the time to check these blogs out – I promise I wouldn’t steer you wrong!
Thanks again to Ashley & Melanie – xxoo!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Now I Know What a Kick to the Groin Feels Like...

When I started this blog months back – the one thing I wanted to document was my progress into a more positive way of thinking and living.
I have lived in the negative for too long and I refuse to reside there ANY longer.
Because of that -- I do not use this blog to trash others – ever.
I may put a silly rant or express disappointment in vague terms – but never ever will you hear my bash anyone I know or otherwise.
Just not my style.

I have to say this – the fella working the desk at my brandy-new gym, Planet Fitness, is a GOON!

I was SO psyched to get to the gym this morning. Brian and I asked my Mom to watch Skylar so we could both go – we packed a bag – had a plan of attack – etc. and so forth. Getting out of the house together – alone without kids – is a major feat in itself.

We go strolling into the gym, Brian is signing in as my guest, and the guy notices my keychain picture of Skylar with Santa taken at our local mall before the holidays and says to me, and I quote.

“Oh you must like Christmas a lot, is that your grandson?”

Come again?
My grandson?

Are you freakin’ serious????

A. Skylar is NOT a boy and no one has EVER mistaken her for one!
B. I am NOT a grandmother – not even close!

It is my worst nightmare realized – truly!
And I finally know what getting kicked in the groin must feel like...

I correct him and say that the picture is of my DAUGHTER to which he looked mortified and never said another word to me.

And ya know… if he was some young punk I might understand it – but this buffoon was at least my age if not older!!!

I admit freely that I stewed over this for the entire 45 minutes I was on the treadmill.
Heck – who am I kidding – I am still stewing – OBVIOUSLY!

I realize that most Mother’s with children as young as Skylar (20 months) are typically not about to turn 41 – but it isn’t exactly unheard of in this day and age.
And this whole experience just compounds some feelings I have about being an *older* Mom – I don’t always relate (no matter how dang hard I try) to other Moms of young children – and women my age are usually past all of this baby rearing and don’t want to talk about potty-training and playgroups.
So I fall through the cracks and get misjudged!

And let’s not even get started on the whole vanity issue.
Wait… let’s!
Do I look like someone’s Grandmother?!?!
Boo hoo

Yeah, yeah, yeah – woe is me, right?

So because I refuse to stew in this negativity any longer – I will use this to fuel me through my QUEST to get in shape and hit my goal weight.

Let him call me a grandma then.
Let anyone for that matter!

I do not want to trash a whole gym because of one person's faux par -- but you know for those of us on this weight loss journey it sometimes takes every ounce of GUTS we have to just take the plunge by joining -- let alone actually stepping foot IN the gym. And for this to happen my very first time going just irked me. Thankfully I am a strong type and I refuse to let this falter me -- but for somewhere that claims to be a *NO JUDGEMENT ZONE* type of gym -- they should think before they speak!
Just sayin'!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

♥blue-eyed girls♥

Brian says she has my eyes...


It's *official* -- I am a member of the NO JUDGEMENT ZONE @ Planet Fitness!

In all seriousness -- it is a gorgeous gym and the people who got me all hooked up (I joined online to save myself all the tedious paperwork onsite) and gave us a tour were really nice and helpful.
I love that the gym is full of a bevy of different types of people and is the total opposite of that clique-y image you get in your head when you think of the *gym*.
There were men and women of all ages, sizes, and walks of life just doing their thing!
The best part -- Brian can come with me as a guest every single day if we so choose.
So basically I bought one membership and we both can use it.

I can bring anyone I like actually. The only perks my guests can't utilize are the tanning booths and the massage chairs -- which Brian could really care less about.

Needless to say I am super psyched and feel like this is a tremendous step in the right direction!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011



I am really struggling with getting back on track with my *diet* (hate that word but weight loss journey sounds so dang hokey…).
Well I was until I got on the scale yesterday morning (the first time in WEEKS – maybe even a month or better) and realized that I have regained nine pounds.
I was thinking five at the most – funny how we lie to ourselves – but the scale don’t lie!

And please let me clarify that I am not the type of woman who weighs herself daily or worse several times a day. I try not to be ruled by the scale – I do use it for accountability and to measure success! Also, I did work really hard to lose 45lbs. this past year – so I take any regain seriously.

Needless to say that realization shocked me right back on track and I ate healthy and tracked my food for the first time in weeks yesterday and today.

I am also heading to Planet Fitness first thing tomorrow morning to become an *official* member and make exercise a priority in my life again.

And I have decided that my days off spent in lounge clothes with no makeup and hair in a clip are a thing of the past. I deserve to look my absolute prettiest even on the days I am not at work or going somewhere.

That is not to say I won’t have a lazy day here and there – but hangin’ out in my Frosty the Snowman jammie pants with barely a comb through my hair is a thing of the past!
This I vow – pinky swear!

I just wanna be the best *me* I can…

All this *positive thinking* and regrouping has prompted me to start a new feature on my blog – you will find it listed as ♥fifty-two♥ in the tab section right under my header.
I plan on taking a weekly picture of myself (on Tuesday) to document my quest to hit my goal weight (still in limbo/debate) within this year.
(Is *quest* better than weight loss journey – hmmm, not sure?)

Oh well… who cares?
As long as I am dedicating my time, effort, and energy to something productive, positive, and healthy – who cares what I call it!?!?



I am such a goob -- I nearly cried when I got them in.

Motivational Monday...

errr... yeah I know it's Tuesday -- I have had the loopiest week/weekend!
btw -- I found and borrowed this wonderful image from Ashley at The Shine Project a great blog I follow!

The Happiness Project


Something new...
Well for me at least!

The Happiness Project (click the cute button above) is a fun photography link-up hosted by Leigh at
Leigh vs. Laundry -- a blog I follow and happen to adore.

Skylar dancing her little cute buns off at the library's toddler music program! She just loves music and dancing SO much and I LOVE watching her...


Monday, February 21, 2011

30 MORE Days of Blogging -- Day 30

Day 30 – What is your best tip for losing weight?


No really – it’s THAT simple!

Not that I have it mastered -- but even in my WORST moments of gluttony I know what I should and shouldn't be doing!

I am currently trying to practice what I preach -- but like everyone; I have good and bad days!

Blessed Be…

I am SO glad to be finished with this blogging challenge – and it will be the absolute LAST one I ever partake in.

30 MORE Days of Blogging -- Day 29

Day 29 - Hopes, dreams, and plans for the future

• Join a gym and finally hit my goal weight this year
• Get my new camera and get my business in full swing
• MOVE!!!!
• Spend quality time with my kids – especially my two teenage sons – I am sure they will be overjoyed by this -- *heh*
• Do a makeover on myself – I miss being a stylish woman who turns heads!
• Find the perfect playgroup/daycare for my daughter. She needs some *kid time* with other kids and I need to work more.
• Have *date night* once a month with Brian!
• Hang out with my girlfriends more – I feel like I have lost that connection with my girls and I miss it!
• Keep what is REALLY important in life as my main focus – a new house, business, hairdo, and thinner body are great – but my loved ones and quality time with them is what I want the most!

Blessed Be…

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fun with Music

Today was the *Toddler Music Program* at our local public library.

We had so much fun...
Until Miss Sky decided to have a meltdown over a tambourine of all things!

Of course she has had meltdowns before; just never out and about.
So we had to leave about ten minutes early.

I hated cutting her day short -- but so not cool or fair to ruin other people's experience because my child is having a bad day.

Welcome to being *almost two*!

Meltdown aside -- still a great time!

Friday, February 18, 2011

30 MORE Days of Blogging -- Day 28

Day 28 – If you could appear on any Television Program what would it be?

Well I would say LOST because it is my absolute FAVORITE show of ALL time – but alas, the show is finite and it would also require acting – something I just do not excel in.
I will have to say SURVIVOR because I can admit that I have fantasies about going on that show, outwitting, outplaying, and outlasting everyone! And is it really bad that I would almost like to be a *villain* than a *good* gal?

Oh yeah… and the million dollar paycheck would be super-duper and obviously would solve a lot of monetary issues!

Blessed Be…

Thursday, February 17, 2011

30 MORE Days of Blogging -- Day 27

Day 27 - A physical feature you love about yourself

My eyes…

30 MORE Days of Blogging -- Day 26

Day 26 - A photo you took and the story behind it

This is one of my favorite recent photos of Skylar – it was taken at our Cousin Brady’s 3rd birthday party when she was at the *coloring table* with all the other kids.
Skylar takes coloring quite seriously – as you can see by the tongue and the intent look upon her beautiful little face.
It is one of her most favorite things to do after all…

This picture will ALWAYS make me smile!!!

Blessed Be…

30 MORE Days of Blogging -- Day 25

Day 25 – Share a heart-warming story

I have been stuck on this for daysssss…
I have been trying to think of/search for the perfect heart-warming story that would convey my emotion without causing too-much emotion.
I try to make my blog crying/Kleenex free!

So instead I will share photos that evoke emotion and make you SMILE!
A picture speaks a thousand words, right?

*Notice most… errr ALL… of the photos are of babies and animals – proving what melts my heart!*

Blessed Be…

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Spreading the GiVeAwAy LOVE again!

This one is fabulous and courtesy of iheartfaces – I have there nifty little button on the side – please check ‘em out because the site ROCKS!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these amazing camera bags by
Epiphanie Bags – especially the Paris in purple.
It is on my birthday dream list – a blog I have in the works for April when it’s a wee bit closer to the big day – aka my 41st birthday!

Anywho – put in your entry to win a bag – someone’s gotta be a winner and it might as well be YOU!!!!

essed Be…

DaTe NiGhT...

Brian and I had date night last night!

Well, it was sort of a belated Valentines/Date Night –- point being – we were out of the house sans kids for the first time since my birthday last April!

We could have went anywhere for dinner and debated our choices ALL weekend…
But we ended up choosing TGIFridays and simply because we just wanted to go somewhere casual, kinda noisy, and that served a nice glass of draft beer and big juicy burger!
We had such a nice time.
It wasn’t super fancy – but it was us, connecting as a couple again and remembering why we fell MADLY in love in the first place!

And we have decided that we will have *Date Night* at least once a month!


Spreading the GiVeAwAy LOVE!

This one is fabulous and courtesy of a WONDERFUL blog I stumbled upon called The Shine Project.

If you are a lover of a great clutch like I am then you will be a happy camper because these particular clutches made by Chik-a-Pea are super-duper cute!

Check out the Audrey Clutch in Amethyst Zebra -- it’s my favorite and to-die-for!

Blessed Be…

Monday, February 14, 2011

Twenty Months Old Already!

On top of being Valentines Day...
Skylar also turned 20 Months Old today!


Brian and I were discussing it last night in bed...
We can't believe it's been 20 months already but also can barely remember a life without her!

We ♥ you Skylar Rockets!

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