So it's been a wee bit since I have actually written; been letting my photos do the talking for me lately. I think the have done a fabulous job. And my plan was to let this blog be a mixture of my written word and my photographic *word*. But I digress...
So obviously I got *officially* engaged via my remarkable engagement ring. Brian done me good. I wanted an non-traditional ring; an amethyst in particular, and it is beyond my expectations. A 6.15 solitaire cushion cut amethyst with small diamonds on the band which is 14k white gold.
Sheer perfection and EVERYTHING I wanted...
That ring has me twitterpated. I have been waving it around and showing it to anyone (and I mean ANYONE) who will look! Love, love, LOVE it!!!!
My friend Liisa and I went to Salem, Massachusetts yesterday. (An entire picture post made yesterday in tribute to our trip.) We had a great time; especially catching up. We have kinda been outta touch in the past year or so; we had a lot to catch up on. But of course we also saw the sights, the shops, and such. Honestly... I am SUPER miffed that we wasted an hour and $8.50 on *The Salem Witch Museum*.... what a joke, super cheesy, and a tourist trap and a half. Nex visit we will stay clear of such spots and stick to the historical (and mostly free) spots and the shops.
We have a return visit planned for after the holidays and we both want a reading with Lori Bruno (A psychic whom both of us has heard wonderful things about). We wanted the reading yesterday, but she only does them by appointment only. That alone sold me!
The shops were great but honestly, they didn't carry anything diferent than my friend Angela does? Maybe a bigger stock, but the same items, give or take. I really only wanted to purchase a tarot deck but of course that was the one consistent over-priced item in EVERY shop. Wonder why that is? Everything else I thought was very reasonable for someplace so tourist-y.
So now I am just going to look for the deck I want and ask Angela to order it for me... I would rather she have my business anyhow.
I did buy one thing.
A hematite ring for Brian; something I thought was perfect for him.
It wasn't some 6.15 carat amethyst, but nice nonetheless!
And one more thing.
I was *up* at my Weight Watcher weigh-in this past week. I gained .8 lbs. Yeah, as in less than a pound.
MUST be my new swanky engagement ring?
*heh heh*
That about sums it all up...
Blessed Be...
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