Brian and I had some wine tonight.
Some very cheap cheesy wine. But it made us feel like *adults* again. When you have a baby and spend as much time with him/her as we spend with Skylar... you can start to feel like a separate entity. Neither adult, nor child, or even human for that matter. You are simply *Ma-ma* and *Da-da*.
Wine made us feel like Cyn and Brian. Even cheap cheesy wine.
Go figure?
Moving along...
I went to the dentist today.
By choice.
Which is a MAJOR feat for me. I wouldn't necessarily say I have a fear of dentitst; I just don't particular like them. Hence why I haven't been since the late 1980's. Well, other than when I have had dental emergencies and have taken my children (all on a regular basis I might add... yep, I AM a dental hypocrit!). So today's viist was WELL overdue. But I sucked it up and went because I needed to and because I had some teeth issues this past year which basically scared the crap outta me!
The verdict...
Two cavities and I need a good cleaning.
So for the rest of the world (none of which even reads this blog as I have ZERO followers at this posting... *heh*)...
Even if like me, you haven't been to the dentist in eons and are scared,embarrassed, whatever...
Just go... it might not be as bad as you think!
And there you have it...
Am I tipsy?
Blessed Be...
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