Thursday, October 14, 2010

That Thing You Do...

I was mentioning yesterday about how everyone in my Goddess Group is choosing *magickal names* for themselves. And I believe I said something along the lines of I am a firm believer in doing, wearing, using, or calling yourself whatever it takes to be more *magickal*.
(Don’t quote me; it was something to that effect.)

But it got me to thinking…
If that way of thinking applies to my *magickal* side, why can’t it apply to my Weight Watcher side?
(I have MANY sides by the way…)

Is there any particular thing I do…
Or call myself to make me feel more powerful in the realms of Weight Watchers?

The things I do –
I attend meetings and weigh in every Friday faithfully…
I track every morsel of food that passes my lips no matter what…
I exercise every chance I can…
And I am active in the Weight Watcher online community…

The things I wear --
While I may not be in my goal size, I AM in smaller clothes.
Even my shoes fit better.
Let’s not forget the running/exercise gear I wear when I jog.
Or the MP3 player that is SO vital to my success with running; something I NEVER thought I would do.
And I always carry a charged amethyst with me to keep me physically safe.

The things I use --
The online tools; specifically my tracker, the recipes, the community, and my blog…
The advice, tips, and encouragement given to me DAILY by my fellow Weight Watcher members online…
The internet to research various topics pertaining to my journey…
And the inspiration that is my leader, Tricia. This amazing woman is raising four children (three of which are triplets), maintains her goal weight, plays tennis competitively, works, and from the way she talks keeps an immaculate home all while being humorous and not taking herself or life too seriously. I adore this gal…

The things I call myself –
Mom to my three exceptional children…
Fiancé to the man I love…
Daughter to a Mother who is also on this journey right alongside me…
A fledgling but determined runner…
A good cook…
And Goddess with a passion for life and my path...
ALL of this makes me more powerful in my journey. And without even just one aspect my journey would be that much less triumphant!

I am curious...
Are there specific things you do, wear, use, or call yourself to make your goals more successful?
I would love to know…

Blessed Be…


  1. Hmm, I am back to tracking on line rather than using the three month tracker. It just seems so, so, so much easier.

  2. This1isit


    I really love this post. Most people would probably think me to be just a bit senile, but I talk to myself while I am working out at the gym. There are times when it gets tough to continue a hard intensive work out and I talk to myself to get me through the rought spots. I don't really wear anything special. I just keep re-affirming that I am worth taking the time to travel down this road of life altering changes. So far, the ride has been awesome.

  3. Mia~ I am a LOVER of the actual written word, but I couldn't agree more, online tracking is SO much easier!

    This1~ HAHA @ being senile... I do the same thing only I am running through my neighborhood so all my neighbors must think I have *issues*. But whatever works and pushes you through a hard workout huh?

  4. Cyn, I wish I had an ounce of your passion for life and goals you are working toward. You are an inspiration!

  5. ((((Michelle)))) you DO have it!!! Look at everything you have done and ARE doing!!!


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